Church at Home - 7th JuneJun 6, 2020Bible readings:Genesis 1:1 - 2:4aPsalm 8:1-92 Corinthians 13:11-14Matthew 28:16-20Sermon:Written versionVideo versionSongs:Trinity SongWe Believe10,000 ReasonsLord, keep us steadfast in your wordPraise to the Lord, the AlmightyOther resources:Athanasian CreedGrowing Faith at HomeChildren's addressTalking PointFamily activity #1Family activity #2
Bible readings:Genesis 1:1 - 2:4aPsalm 8:1-92 Corinthians 13:11-14Matthew 28:16-20Sermon:Written versionVideo versionSongs:Trinity SongWe Believe10,000 ReasonsLord, keep us steadfast in your wordPraise to the Lord, the AlmightyOther resources:Athanasian CreedGrowing Faith at HomeChildren's addressTalking PointFamily activity #1Family activity #2