Church at Home - 29th MarchMar 28, 2020Here are the worship resources for the Fifth Sunday in LentBible readings:Ezekiel 37:1-14Psalm 130:1-8Romans 8:6-11John 11:1-45Sermon:Written versionVideo versionSongs:Great are you LordMore than conquerorsCome behold the wondrous mysteryJesus, strong and kindOther resources:Growing Faith at HomeChildren's AddressTalking pointFamily activity
Here are the worship resources for the Fifth Sunday in LentBible readings:Ezekiel 37:1-14Psalm 130:1-8Romans 8:6-11John 11:1-45Sermon:Written versionVideo versionSongs:Great are you LordMore than conquerorsCome behold the wondrous mysteryJesus, strong and kindOther resources:Growing Faith at HomeChildren's AddressTalking pointFamily activity