Church at Home - 24th MayMay 23, 2020Bible readings:Acts 1:6-14Psalm 68:1-10,32-351 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11John 17:1-11Sermon:Written versionVideo versionSongs:Facing a task unfinishedThere is a redeemerLord of all hopefulnessIndescribableCrown him with many crownsOther resources:Growing Faith at HomeChildren's addressFamily activity
Bible readings:Acts 1:6-14Psalm 68:1-10,32-351 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11John 17:1-11Sermon:Written versionVideo versionSongs:Facing a task unfinishedThere is a redeemerLord of all hopefulnessIndescribableCrown him with many crownsOther resources:Growing Faith at HomeChildren's addressFamily activity