Church at Home - 12th AprilApr 11, 2020Here are the worship resources for Easter Sunday.Bible Readings:Acts 10:34-43Psalm 118:1,2,14-24Colossians 3:1-4Matthew 28:1-10Sermon:Written versionVideo versionSongs:In Christ aloneSee what a morningJesus Christ is risen todayThine be the gloryBlessing, honourOther resources:Growing Faith at Home Children's Address Talking point Family activity
Here are the worship resources for Easter Sunday.Bible Readings:Acts 10:34-43Psalm 118:1,2,14-24Colossians 3:1-4Matthew 28:1-10Sermon:Written versionVideo versionSongs:In Christ aloneSee what a morningJesus Christ is risen todayThine be the gloryBlessing, honourOther resources:Growing Faith at Home Children's Address Talking point Family activity